Appointment Info

The goal of your appointments is for us to get to know you as an individual, so that we can best help you. We will of course review your current health issues and goals, but we also want to know about your past, your day-to-day life, habits, stressors, etc. By getting a fuller picture of who you are – physically, mentally, and emotionally – we can create both more targeted and thorough treatment plans to help you reach your goals. Your goals are our goals.

Curious what it looks like to become a patient at Rhode Island Natural Medicine? We got you! See below for some commonly asked questions (and their answers). Feel free to give a shout if you have any additional questions.

Q: Initial appointments are ~90 mins for adults and ~60 mins for children. Why are initial appointments so long?

A: In order to best help you, Dr. Casey finds that it is important to do a comprehensive review of your past and present health history, as well as your current goals and needs. Dr. Casey’s holistic approach to health includes looking at not just your physical symptoms, but also your mental and emotional health, lifestyle choices and habits – all of which takes some time.

Q: How often do you recommend that I follow-up?

A: Most patients are seen every 1-2 months until they reach their desired level of health and wellness. For some this takes a few months, for others it may take a year or longer. It depends on the person. Keep in mind that we’re looking to address the root causes of your health issues in order to achieve true, lasting healing.

Q: What if I don’t live nearby, can I still work with you?

A: Yes! We now offer virtual (video) visits! Depending on where you live, Dr. Casey can be your doctor, or may act as a consultant in your care. Please call the office if you live outside Southern New England and would like to utilize consulting services.

Q: Do you take insurance?

A: No. At this time, Naturopathic Doctors are unable to accept medical insurance in the state of Rhode Island. We can take most Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) so check with your employer to see if they offer this benefit! [We also accept all major credit cards].

Q: How much do appointments cost?

A: As of June 1, 2023 prices will increase slightly to: $425 for initial adult visit, $325 for initial child visit and $210 for follow-up visits.

Payment is expected at the time of service.

Q: How do I schedule an appointment?

Easy! Go to the “schedule now” page to schedule online, or call us at 401-642-5855.